Sunday, March 22, 2009

I love you, Nicki.

Saturday, February 7, 2009


Nicki is a freak. She's meant to be HAPPY but she's just "okay". Loser.
But now she has a whole blog entry to herself, so she can be happy again. *glares*

Tuesday, January 6, 2009

Well, it's been a while.
I'm on holiday now. It's pretty cool... But the thing is, I broke up with my girlfriend a few days ago. I do love her, but I love someone else more, and I just couldn't deal with the guilt. Pretty weak, I know. But hey, what can I do? *shrugs*
The other girl I've liked for ages, and she'd always been there for me, always trusted me. And I just found out that she likes me back two days ago. She came over to mine this afternoon. I'd missed her. While I was with my ex, we kind of drifted apart slightly. But we're back to normal now. I'm so glad. I love being with her. We always have so much fun. All innuendo and flirting.
I'm going to some place that no-one's ever heard of for a week with my parents soon, and I'm taking the other girl, the one who's not my ex. It should be a lot of fun. We'll muck around and be dickheads together mostly. Something we enjoy doing.
I love summer.

Monday, December 8, 2008

Internet poem

Just a little poem I wrote a while ago when I was pissed off at the internet... It came out very intense XD

Broken, malfunctioning.
Why won’t you work?
What’s wrong with you?
Please, do your job.
Just this once;
I’m begging you.
Did I do something wrong?
Help me understand.

Frustration is beginning to
Flow through my veins.
Annoyance at you.
I feel like hitting something.
Work, damn you!
You freak, you misfit.
Serve your fucking purpose!
Go on, I dare you.

One more try...
But it’s futile.
You’re irreparably useless.
A waste of my time.


Saturday, December 6, 2008

New blog

I have a blog.
Me, state the obvious? Never...
Anyway, I'm 15, I'm straightedge and I'm bi. I don't particularly expect anyone to read this, but whatever.
I got back from a week-long school camp yesterday. Had to walk 56 fucking kilometres in THREE DAYS. Had to climb a fuck-load of hills along the way. But it was quite fun despite that.... My girlfriend and I had some late nights before some long hard walks.... The other two people in the tent got rather annoyed at us XD
But the scarring physical activity is now over. And I have the sandfly bites and blisters to prove it. Not to metion the searing pain in my right calf-muscle whenever I try to walk.
I have missed civilisation (and eyeliner) so damn much. I never want to put my cellphone down again. And I'm glad that I can drink water which isn't yellow and from a stream. And showers! Oh, how I pined for thee. I didn't notice at the time, but all my clothing smelled SO rank. Putting stuff in the washing machine was a task, I can tell you that.
But now I have my music and a computer, so all is forgotten. *grins*
I am going to give the link for this blog to one of my friends, against my better judgement. I'd better not put in anything too hardcore or her brain will fall out! Hahahah. Shame.
Well I'm bored with this now. Time to go look up crap on uncyclopedia.
Au revoir pour maintenant! (is that even right?)